Of course you already know that Forex is just a short form of the foreign exchange market. People enter this financial market to trade currencies. You won’t have any problems with liquidity when trading Forex. Moreover this market is available around the clock. So you can execute deals at any time you like. Certainly this financial business is extremely advantageous. For example you don’t need much to get started in this case. It’s possible to start with one hundred US dollars. While trading small you can go on learning about currency trading.
I suppose that a trading simulator would be a suitable option for you. You really require it on the initial stage. But on the other hand it makes no sense to use it in the long run. Forex trading provides you with a fantastic opportunity to operate multiple instruments. I just mean currency pairs.
As a Forex trader you’ll greatly benefit from high liquidity as it simply gives you a solid peace of mind. Of course other illiquid markets aren’t able to compete with the foreign exchange market in terms of liquidity. I should stress that high liquidity is ensured by numerous market participants. Among them you can see large national and commercial banks, fund houses, hedge funds and certainly individual investors.
In fact one can’t imagine Forex without multiple trading platforms. Now you’re free from a wide array of these software products. Moreover transaction costs are quite affordable for the vast majority of traders.
Every Forex trading platform has versatile charting tools. Certainly they’re easy to use. A demo trading account normally comes with any trading platform. I advise you to practice with a demo account. This way you’ll learn how to stay away from typical trading mistakes.
If you are going to deal with forex managed accounts, then studying forex managed accounts and only then applying it in Forex trading would be an intelligent step.