It’s known that most Forex traders aren’t likely to trust automated Forex trading systems. Obviously it would be foolish to rely on something you are unable to control. Investors don’t want to lose their hard earned money and they are naturally ready to sacrifice this comfort of automated trading. They just want to make sure that they are on the safe side. So it’s quite natural that now there’s a big buzz about semi-automatic trading systems. I should say that semi-automated trading systems can do the same things that the automated ones. The only one exception is that in this case you’ll place and manage all trades by yourself. Now we should have a deep insight into semi-automatic trading systems.
To some extent a semi automatic currency trading system is a kind of a budget version of a typical Forex signals service. So it can provide you with trade signals. You can certainly use it regularly. Each time you want to trade you only need to choose trades and let this software execute them. Skipping bad trades is possible here. Automated systems usually place both good and bad trades. The idea of controlling your trades seems to be quite reasonable.
Sorry to disappoint you but you should know the truth about semi-automatic trading systems. There are a couple of obvious facts you need to take into account before using these trading systems. In spite of the fact that these systems allow you to avoid bad trades you can also miss potentially profitable ones. So there’s nothing supernatural in this trading solution.
Additionally even if you can pick out some good trades from the bad ones but anyway there’s a probability of missing out on them. Moreover you naturally need to eat, sleep and have your personal life. And this makes you vulnerable.
Don’t rely too much on it. It’s not a magic remedy. Though it’s just my personal point of view.
Should you consider dealing with managed forex trading, it is wise to find out some details on this market. If you are properly armed with the knowledge in your sphere you can avoid many risks related to this business. So studying forex managed accounts and only then applying it in Forex trading would be an intelligent step.